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Recent webinars

View our latest recordings to learn more about the advantages of Tom Sawyer Software while also gaining industry insight from our leading graph experts.

Introducing Key Features in Perspectives 13.0 and 13.1

Introducing Perspectives 13.0 and 13.1

Watch this showcase of the latest advancements introduced in Tom Sawyer Perspectives that enhance usability and streamline data exploration, like the new React-based web client framework, and Perspectives AWS Marketplace offering.

Knowledge Graph

Navigating Knowledge Graphs

Explore the fundamentals of knowledge graphs and the impact they can have on how we navigate and leverage information in our ever-expanding data ecosystem by helping you discover the value hidden in your data.


Graph Intelligence Webinar

Learn how Tom Sawyer Perspectives enables organizations to more effectively understand complex interdependencies, identify clusters, and predict trends in networked data.

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