
Meet our graph visualization and analysis experts at upcoming trade shows and events.




INCOSE International Workshop 2025, Seville, Spain

Don’t miss this important event focused on the SysML v2 transition, highlighting the advancements and opportunities of the next-generation systems modeling language. See an exclusive video showcasing our new SysML v2 Viewer product to learn how we support the new standards. The vendor session is planned for Saturday, February 1st from 3 - 5 PM.




Big Data 2025, Frankfurt, Germany

We are excited to announce our participation and presentation at Big Data Frankfurt 2025, a premier event focusing on Machine Learning and AI, Human Factors, Databases, Data Architecture & Infrastructure, Data Analytics & BI, Data Management & Integration, Data Privacy, and Security. Known for uniting innovators, technologists, and business leaders, this event is a hub for shaping the future and driving successful digital transformation.

Recent webinars

View our latest recordings to learn more about the advantages of Tom Sawyer Software while also gaining industry insight from our leading graph experts.

A timeline graph visualization showing a sequence of events from oldest (left) to newest (right).

Visualizing and Analyzing Dynamic Graphs Over Time

In this webinar we explored how specialized techniques help visualize and analyze graphs as they evolve, empowering you to identify trends, simulate future scenarios, and uncover critical events. 

Graph technology can link marketing requirements to implementation plans, manufacturing schedules, and finished products, to ensure everyone stays aligned and informed.

Seamless Collaboration in Digital Engineering

Learn how a graph-based approach to data integration, paired with intuitive tools for navigating complex information, can transform your digital engineering ecosystem.

New custom tables in Tom Sawyer Explorations 1.1 enhance your data exploration workflow.

Data Exploration with Tom Sawyer Explorations 1.1

Learn how this new release enhances your data exploration workflow with powerful new features designed to streamline your analysis. 

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